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territory management 意味

"territory management"の例文


  • 担当地区販売管理{たんとう ちく はんばい かんり}
  • territory     territory n. 領土, 領域; 地域; 居住地; 《米》 准州. 【動詞+】 acquire (a) territory
  • management     management n. 経営, 管理; 経営陣, 管理職, 経営者側; 取り扱い, 操縦; やりくり, 手際よさ. 【動詞+】 assume
  • ministry for the management of the territory and the environment    {組織} : 領土{りょうど}?環境管理省{かんきょう かんり しょう}
  • territory     territory n. 領土, 領域; 地域; 居住地; 《米》 准州. 【動詞+】 acquire (a) territory 領土を手に入れる annex (a) territory 領地を併合する We found ourselves approaching enemy territory. 気がついてみたら敵の領土に近づいていた B
  • (within a) territory    (within a) territory 領内 りょうない
  • acquire territory    領土{りょうど}を手に入れる
  • agent's territory    代理店区域
  • alien territory    未知{みち}の領域{りょういき}、未知{みち}の世界{せかい}
  • annex territory    領地{りょうち}を併合{へいごう}する
  • annexed territory    併合{へいごう}された領土{りょうど}
  • back in the territory    その領域{りょういき}に戻って
  • balance of territory    《囲碁》地合い{じあい}
  • beyond the territory    領外に
  • boss of a territory    顔役{かおやく}
  • breeding territory    繁殖縄張り


  • in some cases , such utokujin were assigned as shokan due to their economic power , and became engaged in territory management .
  • written in pseudo-chinese style , teikin orai covered a wide range of topics on general knowledge including lifestyle , vocation , territory management , architecture , law , duty , buddhism , weapons , education , and medical treatment .
  • written in pseudo-chinese style , teikin orai covered a wide range of topics on general knowledge including lifestyle , vocation , territory management , architecture , law , duty , buddhism , weapons , education , and medical treatment .
  • most shugo were permanently stationed in kyoto or kamakura as key members of bakufu , leaving the actual territory management to the shugo-dai (deputy of shugo ), who were selected from vassals under the direct supervision of shugo and the kokujin stratum .
  • in small or medium scaled powerful families in the kinai area and among local powerful families , ujigami was believed to be an extension of the conventional belief , however , in the late heian period when the shoen-koryo system (a manor and public territory system ) was established and the handing down of territories and properties between fathers and children became common , the conventional manner of ujigami worship in each clan collapsed and , when territory management by ' family ' as a unit gradually became common , chien-gami god (the locally connected god ) of each territory or ubutsuchi-gami god (soil producing god ) of one ' s home town was worshipped as ujigami and , as this confusion advanced , new ujigami were established in various places .
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